Kesejahteraan Sosial yang Terabaikan
Disusun oleh: Masrizal
Kesejahteraan sosial adalah kondisi terpenuhinya kebutuhan material, spiritual dan sosial warga negara agar dapat hidup layak dan mampu mengembangkan diri, sehingga dapat melaksanakan fungsi sosialnya. Pengertian lain juga dapat dikembangkan dari hasil Pre-Conference Working for the 15th International Conference of Social Welfare (Sulistiati, 2004: 25) yakni:
“Social welfare is all the organized social arrangements wich have as their direct and primary objective the well being of people in social context. It includes the broad range of policies and services wich are concerned with various aspects of people live thir income, security, health, housing, education, recreation, cultural tradition, etc.”